U Hla Thein, former chairman of UEC; Three people, including former member U Myint Naing, were each sentenced to three years in prison under Section 130(a) of the Penal Code regarding the election.


U Hla Thein, who served as the chairman of the Union Election Commission (UEC) during the National League for Democracy (NLD) government, and U Than Htay and U Myint Naing, who were members of the commission, were sentenced to three years in prison under Section 1 30(a) of the Penal Code, according to reports. Reportedly.

2020 general election voter registration; Former UEC chairman U Hla Thein, who has been charged under Section 130-A of the Penal Code regarding pre-voting issues. Former members U Than Htay and U Myint Naing were sentenced on July 7 by a special court in Nay Pyi Taw Prison.

In addition, 15 former members, including former UEC chairman U Hla Thein, have been ordered to pay a fine of 100,000 kyat each in connection with another case prosecuted under Section 130(a) of the Penal Code.

The erstwhile Union Electoral Commission (UEC) for failing to oversee electoral functions in the 2020 general elections; U Khin Maung Oo, a member of the Union Election Commission (UEC), said on July 1, 2022 that 2,417 chairpersons and members of the Election Commission are being prosecuted in 373 cases against 2,173 perpetrators, 369 have been punished and four cases remain to be punished.

During the 2020 general election, there were 1,077 cases related to the election, of which 546 were related to the election law. According to the statistics obtained by the Myanmar National Police, 345 cases have been filed. U Khin Maung Oo, a member of the Union Election Commission, said that 200 closures and legal recommendations are still being requested.

U Khin Maung Oo, a member of the Union Election Commission, said, “The 2020 general election process, The former president of the country who was involved in vote fraud and lawless behavior. Former State Counselor The former chairman of the Union Election Commission and members; Former Minister U Ming Former Chairman of Naypyitaw Council Former regional and state prime ministers election candidates Victory party members 489 violators, including members of the Election Commission, are being prosecuted in 364 cases to be able to take action in accordance with the law,” he said.

2020 general election process, U Khin Maung Oo said that 170 perpetrators involved in vote fraud and illegal behavior were prosecuted in 137 cases, of which 58 have been convicted and 79 remain to be punished.