The ASEAN Special Representative said that NASA has made three points regarding the Myanmar issue, including that the 2008 constitution should be the basis for peace talks.


Cambodia̵ 7;s Foreign Minister and Minister of International Cooperation Prat Sok Khun said that his second visit to Myanmar as the ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar had achieved some results, but warned that it was not a panacea for the Myanmar crisis.

After the trip from June 29 to July 3, Pret Sok Khon said the above.

On his return to Phnom Penh on July 6, he told reporters and foreign diplomats that his trip abroad had had little success.

Prat Sok Khon said that Nasa leaders had hinted that they would accept the opposition if some members of the opposition would stop attacking them, but said that they would accept it only under certain conditions.

“The main condition of the start is that the opposition groups must change their thinking. Three things must be included. First, if the opposition wants to enter the government, they must not continue to try to destroy the government. The second point is that they will not replace the government. The third point is that the 2008 constitution must be the basis for peace talks,” Prat Sok Khon said.

Pret Sokkhon added that these requirements will be determined by the Chairman of the National Security Agency, Major General Min Aung Hlaing. During his second trip to Myanmar, Pret Sok Khun met with General Min Aung Hlaing for more than two hours.

“Although there are conditions, at least we have opened the way to start discussions. The wheels are back for peace talks. Now the wheels can roll forward. But whether anything can happen depends on all the stakeholders involved in the Myanmar conflict. But the door is open. “Whether or not they will enter the open door depends on them, as we said earlier,” Prasok Khon continued.

In addition, Prat Sokhon spoke about various topics, including humanitarian issues for Myanmar. He said humanitarian aid should be given to Myanmar without discrimination.

He said that he refused to meet with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi