The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar has clarified that the statement on his Twitter page about the departure of the head of the British Embassy in Myanmar is inconsistent with the facts.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar issued a statement on July 1 4 regarding the departure of Peter Vowles, the head of the British Embassy in Myanmar.

In the explanation, it is stated that Mr. Peter Vowles of the British Embassy in Myanmar, the reason for his departure from Myanmar, written on his Twitter page on July 13, 2022, was found to be incorrect and inconsistent with the facts.

On April 29, 2021, the British government proposed to appoint Mr. Peter Vowles as the British Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar with special powers, and the Myanmar government replied on June 22, 2021 that it agreed. Mr. Peter Vowles arrived in Myanmar on July 29, 2021, and has agreed to be appointed as the next ambassador, as an Ambassador-Designate, in accordance with diplomatic procedures, a copy of his appointment letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made it clear that the letter of appointment was to be given to the head of state as well, but it was avoided due to various reasons.

Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Mr. Peter Vowles’ entry visa was restricted to the British side. In this situation, the British side has withdrawn the proposal of Mr. Peter Vowles as the British ambassador to Myanmar, and the British Embassy in Yangon, The statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that it has been proposed that he will be appointed as the temporary person in charge of the embassy.

Myanmar has agreed to appoint Mr. Peter Vowles as the British ambassador to Myanmar, so if the temporary charge of the embassy is to be appointed, the British side has been informed that another person should be nominated instead.

After that, Mr. Peter Vowles came to Myanmar because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs granted the British request that he would like to enter Myanmar from June 21 to July 15, 2022 to store his personal belongings.

In this case, Mr. Peter Vowles wanted to come and live as an ambassador in Myanmar without being given a letter of appointment, which is against British diplomatic practice. He said that he did not act in accordance with ethics. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Mr. Peter Vowles left Myanmar because Myanmar acted in accordance with diplomatic procedures as a sovereign country.

Pete Vowels, Charge d’Affaires of the British Embassy in Myanmar, wrote on his Twitter page that his duties in Myanmar were suddenly suspended today (July 13).

He said that he was saddened by Nasa’s instructions to force him to leave Myanmar. But Pete Vowels wrote on his Twitter page that he was glad he was able to refuse to be pressured into official recognition.

In addition, even though he had to leave Myanmar, the members of the team who remained in Burma, justice, He wrote on his Twitter page that he will continue to do what he can for the Burmese people who want nothing but freedom and peace.