Goods deliveries have started from the Myawati-Mei Sot No. 2 Friendship Bridge, which was temporarily suspended


The No. 2 Friendship Bridge, which trades between Thailand and Myanmar, was temporarily suspended on October 1 8 and has been allowed to resume trading on October 26.

In trading between the two countries, trucks from the Myanmar side must transfer goods at the Thai BCF zone, and Thai trucks must also transfer goods at the BCF zone from the Myawady side.

In the event of such a transfer of goods, those who send goods from Myawady to Mae Sot will be tested for free of covid in Thailand and after receiving a health check, they will get a red cloth. Thai citizens must wear green uniforms and exchange goods.

Similarly, it is known that the 34 gates of Kuto Pey, a boat terminal on the coast of Tain Rin, have been officially opened by the Thai side to collect taxes and traffic, while the illegal boat gates on the Myanmar side are still closed.

During the 7-day trade closure of Friendship Bridge No. 2, prices of local food and building materials, especially cement, rose.

Returnees are still entering through the No. 2 Friendship Bridge, and commercial vehicles have been allowed to travel today, but the No. 1 Friendship Bridge is still closed.